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Logo Design

Logo is an iconic representation of an organization and therefore,it has to be unique,attractive,simple and persuasive.Logo design is one of scores of services that a good graphic designer can provide to a professional company that is looking to make an impression on the marketplace.

With the absence of a outstanding, eye catching and significant logo design, a business - no matter how small or large - when it comes to name and brand recognition. With great logo design, a company's name will resonate clearly with all of their customers.

logo design

A logo is a graphical element in the form of ideogram, symbol, crest, icon, sign that is collectively form a trademark or commercial brand.Usually a logo design is meant for immediate recognition.The logo feature of a company commercial brand,or economic or academic entity,and its shapes,colors,fonts and images usually are different from others in a similar market.Logos are also used for recognizing organizations and other non-commercial entities.

There are two key elements that go into the development of any logo design process.The first is the logo's text.In graphic design the look of a company's name is as important as any graphic or picture that accompanies it.Not only do words convey meaning, the "look" of words conveys meaning as well.Great graphic designers know how to use different fonts to convey different meanings and emotions to their audiences.Naturally using the right font is important for legibility as well,as you need to consider the various mediums in which the logo will be used.


Logo must be single, simple optical image so that customer can relate it with your company. Complicated logos are difficult to differentiate visually from distance or when printed in a small size. So, it is advised to keep logo simple in shape.

It is the best way to develop logo having few colours.The colour combination of logo should be in such a manner that even it is printed in black and white gives clear vision of logo. Since then the logo of a company is being used in various forms and in different medium.

Good logo design is not an option for any business that wants to stay in business. Being able to place a crisp, good looking logo on all of the company promotional and administrative materials is the first step towards creating solid brand recognition. It's also key for developing company awareness. With a well designed logo, a company will always be putting its best foot forward.